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The only budget guaranteed to increase year on year in my company is the Research Budget – how else could we fulfill our customer - centric mission’ 
- Deputy Chairman, Central England Bus company 
How else indeed – but how many of you actually follow through your mission, which predictably promises to put customers needs and wants at the centre of your strategic decision making. 
As the old Scottish drinking toast puts it ‘Damn few - and they’re all Deid’ 
Here’s some other aspects to the Deputy Chairman’s customer focused activities. 
‘We encourage our customers to complain – how else can we know where we are screwing up. 
Customers want clean buses – so dirt is unacceptable to us – specialist cleaners come on to the bus during journeys to demonstrate our commitment. 
Research reveals that the next most important aspect of our service after punctuality that customers want is ‘friendliness’ – we carry this through to our HR section ensuring that they choose people people – we can always build the skills element on top of that. 
Our Research checks our follow through on all this and ensures customers understand our commitment to them 
Like every other business we have our failure and research helps us decide what to do next’ 
Please take this blog when you next travel by train, visit an airport or attend the doctor’s surgery. 
I’d be happy to help them increase their commitment to research with the clients, customers, and patients. 
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